Donnerstag, 30. Oktober 2008
unser leben nach msn groups - alle threads dazu -VOR FRAGEN ERST HIER SCHAUEN!
Montag, 27. Oktober 2008
ACHTUNG! neuer messi spam gesichtet!
Ch... sagte:
das mit der bernsteinhexe ist mal schon gemein *VBG* - noch gemeiner, die neugier auszunutzen, die das angebot ausl철st:
von susanne
Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2008
migration der msn groups zu multiply angekündigt!
Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2008
Antwort von MSN USA
Hello Kurt,
Thank you for writing to MSN Groups Technical Support. My name is Zaida. I understand that you want to know more information about the closing of MSN Groups. I realize how important MSN Groups is to you and I appreciate that you have written to us regarding your concerns.
Kurt, it is true that we are planning to close the MSN Groups service on February 21, 2009 and will offer you the opportunity to move your group to our new partner service, Multiply. We want you to be able to keep your group together, so we partnered with Multiply to create a migration process that moves your group to their service to preserve your online community and its history.
The migration method that Multiply has built for you will be ready next week. Once the service is ready we will send all of our users an email and will post notices within the MSN Groups site with more information, including instructions for beginning the migration process. In the meantime you can visit to get to know the service and see some of the thousands of groups they host already.
Many users are asking why we are closing MSN Groups. We want to provide our customers with the most current and user friendly technology available today and we made the difficult decision to close the MSN Groups service as part of our overall investment in updating and re-aligning our online services with Windows Live. In the long term we believe that closing the service is the best way to continue to offer innovative, best of breed services that help you stay in touch with the people you care about. It is very important to us that you still have access to your group and its data and that is why we have partnered with Multiply, so you can keep your group going into the future despite the closure of MSN Groups.
Between today and February 21, 2009 nothing will change about the MSN Groups service except that we will remove the option to add more storage to your group. Other features will remain until the service is shut down and you can use it the same way you do today until the date of closure. Watch the site and your email inbox over the next week as we will post updated information there, including a more detailed outline of your options and next steps.
We appreciate your continued support as we strive to provide you with the highest quality service available. Thank you for using MSN Groups.
MSN Groups Technical Support
Montag, 20. Oktober 2008
Bad News
Sonntag, 19. Oktober 2008
msn totou &nicht tour
das ist ein ganz schlechter witz das es seid monaten nicht machbar istimmer kommt die meldung