Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2010

letzte schritte zum vollständigen umzug multiplys nach florida

neue meldung:

Planned maintenance this FridayFeb 17, '10 11:04 PM
by Marc for everyone
In his last "Move Update," Peter said we'd give you a heads-up about the next step in installing the backup power supply at our new datacenter. Well, here it is: that next step is going to happen this Friday, Feb. 19th, starting at around 10:00 AM Eastern U.S. time.

What does this mean?

It means we have to take the site offline for about an hour or two. While we essentially finished up the datacenter move a few weeks ago, and have been working hard to ensure high availability since then, we'd been waiting for this one final part. It is the last planned outage of the move.

We know this has been a frustrating process at times, and it's tough to express just how much we appreciate everyone who's been so supportive and understanding. We can't wait to get past this last step so you can experience the improved performance we've all been waiting for.

We'll display a site-wide message shortly before the site comes down on Friday, just to remind you.
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kurze übersetzung;

morgen wird die multiply seite von ca
10:00 AM Eastern U.S. time bis ca 12:00 AM Eastern U.S. time nicht zugänglich sein, weil die letzten backups durchgeführt werden

die zeitangabe entspricht ca
3:00pm Greenwich time - also werden wir zu dieser zeit multiply ca 2 stunden nicht nutzen können, also ca 2 stunden after noon > von 15 bis 17 uhr

liebe grüße
von susanne

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